TBL Consulting helps individuals and small businesses reach their potential through 1:1 & group coaching, workshops, courses, and consultation. Our foundation is DISCOVERY, which leads to goal setting followed by action PLAN design. And finally the important part...ACTION and IMPLENTATION.
Whether it's a one-time project you've always wanted to do, changing careers, team & organizational development, or you want something else from life entirely...we'll be with you every step of the way. And you don't have to start out with all of the answers. Together, we'll create the path. Just keep moving!
What clients are saying

"I called you because I knew you'd be able to take my thoughts and convey them in a way that advocates what I deserve and want, rather than me taking less."


"I received life coaching and I highly recommend it! Through TBL coaching, my business grew and I made various personal achievements. It was a pleasure to walk through the process."

Hi, I'm Mirända
One day I noticed that too many people were allowing their dreams and visions to get left behind as they became caught up in what I call "the Cycle of Nothingness." I began my work. I started addressing this nothingness by teaching others a truth that is often forgotten; you already have what you need to have a beautiful life. You just need to learn how to use it. Together, we started creating effective action plans.​ Watching my clients take action and transform was powerful.
And so the Beautiful Life was born to foster a Community of Doers.
My TBL Consulting team works in concert not only to guide you beyond the stuck point, but coach you to your breakthrough phrase. There, the next level in your life will be unlocked, and you'll be ready to boldly walk forward into purpose, passions, and freedom.
Ready to move beyond your stuck point?